Chicken Share

Chicken Share

from $0.00

The chickens are raised by Yundwell Pastured Poultry in Canaan, NY.  The chickens are free-range and are fed grain grown at Stone House Farms.  Yundwelll Pastured Poultry raises the Moyer's Broilers breed of chicken that was bred to thrive on pasture.  This breed grows at a rate that is more humane for chickens than the traditional Cornish Cross breed.  You will receive 5 whole frozen chickens in your share; 1 chicken per month beginning in July.  If you want more than 1 chicken/month, you can order multiple shares.

You must be a vegetable share member (either full or small) in order to add a chicken share.  A chicken share is $150 by check or credit card.

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